I was also trying to think of what kind of a character might use constitution as a prime requisite?
The Hardy Yeoman is the result of a fusion of these intents, and it is not quite like the linked d100 table classes, certainly less flashy, but more in keeping with my tastes. The future might see something different, but the present has the Hardy Yeoman, an upstanding peasant-type who's willing to leave his community for a time to deal with the forces of Chaos encroaching from beyond his family's ancient plot and fields.
"Why yes, sir, I did hear of some goblins causing trouble out beyond the hedgerow. I was thinking of taking my shovel to them." |
Without further ado:
His or her prime requisite is Constitution; 13+ grants a 5% bonus to xp earned on adventure, and 16+ grants a non-cumulative 10% xp bonus
Level 1 -- Serf -- 1d6 HD -- 0 XP
Level 2 -- Peon -- 2d6 HD -- 1500 XP
Level 3 -- Peasant -- 3d6 HD -- 3000 XP
Level 4 -- Burgher -- 4d6 HD -- 6000 XP
Level 5 -- Freeman -- 5d6 HD -- 12,000 XP
Level 6 -- Yeoman Farmer -- 6d6 -- 25,000 XP
Hardy Yeomen may advance no further than 6th level in their own class; at that level, a Hardy Yeoman may construct a freehold/homestead, attracting a spouse, 1-4 family members, and 2-7 farm hands, as well as receiving (on a d6) (1-2) a herd of 2-12 horses and pasturage, (3-4) a herd of 3-24 cattle and pasturage, or (5-6) acreage for 1-3 cash crops per season, plus subsistence.
Furthermore, a 6th level Hardy Yeoman may dual class into a class that they qualify for (and rolls of 1-4 on their ability chart automatically qualify them for the relevant class, fighter, cleric, magic-user, or thief); dual classing means they retain current hit dice and hit points, but advance from first level in the new class as far as they wish; any use of their Hardy Yeoman abilities before reaching 6th level in the new class invalidates any XP gained from the particular adventure on which that ability was used. Once the former Hardy Yeoman reaches 7th level in his or her new class, he begins to gain hit dice per the new class, and continues to gain abilities for that class.
The Hardy Yeoman fights as a Cleric and saves as a Fighter; he or she may use any weapons or armor
At first level and every level gained thereafter, the Hardy Yeoman rolls once on a d20 table; as a d20 table, the referee will probably eventually have to start changing specific abilities, but with only one or two Yeomen in a game, there shouldn't be too much overlap of abilities.
1 - was in the local fyrd/militia;
rolls “to hit” as a fighter (further rolls indicate a cumulative
+1 “to hit” rolls)
2 - had some trouble with the law;
gains one thief ability at random
3 - had some schooling at a local
shrine; may cast 1 first level cleric spell per day (even wearing
4 - apprenticed to a hedge mage; may
cast 1 first level magic-user spell once per day, when not wearing
5 - knows woodcraft; may track
creatures through the wilderness
6 - hunter; may forage food for 1-6
people per day in any wilderness
7 - knows some herb lore; can recognize
poisonous/beneficial herbs
8 - peasant doctor; one patient under
care regains double the usual hp from a full day of rest
9 - inheritance; receive a monthly
income of 10-60 gold
10 - peasant religion; leave 10+ gold
as an offering at shrines to a place-god/land-elf/nature-spirit/etc.
for a chance to receive a blessing
11 - green thumb;
preternaturally good at gardening and growing things
12 - smells
oncoming rain; can predict the weather
13 -
brewer/brewster; can brew one batch of profitable beer/mead/etc. per
month, given necessary resources--even IPAs and weird-tasting sours
can find a niche market
14 - horse-sense;
+1 reaction rolls with animals
15 - sturdy stock;
+1-3 hit points
16 - sturdy stock;
+1 on all saves
17 - handyman - can
perform general maintenance on almost anything
18 - cheesemaker;
can produce one profitable cheese per month, following the local
monastary's recipe
19 - blood is
thicker than water; your kinfolk are spread through many realms, and
all will treat even distant cousins as one of the family (by
providing provender, a place to stay, advocacy under the law, or even
help breaking you out of jail … kin may be called on 2-5 times
before they think you're some kind of black sheep or Took and won't
have more to do with you)
20 - royal decree
favoring archery over football; you're a bowyer and a fletcher, and
receive +1 “to hit” with bows, slings, etc.
![]() |
"I'd rather be playing football on the village green ..." |
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